The Vision and Beyond



ISBN 0-9712187-1-4

David Wilkerson had a prophetic content in his ministry.  He passed into the Lord’s presence in April 2011 his race on earth run and his faithful testimony had been borne to the United States in particular.  He was the young preacher from a country area who was burdened for the drug addicts of New York.  He moved there and through him, God initiated a movement that spread throughout the world.

In 1974 he published a book that some advised him not to release, but he felt so constrained that its content should be made available as it involved a vision of what he believed to be “the beginning of sorrows” that were to come upon the world.  He had received the series of visions over a period of some days in 1973 and the book, that some regarded as fear mongering became well known.  Some thirty years later this vision was republished with some additional material made up of messages Wilkerson had preached and some prophecies he had given in the years following 1973, thus, the title of this publication, “The Vision and Beyond”.  What strikes the reader will be the absence of ‘hype’ and scare mongering.  Plain and straightforward chapters describing what was to come, some of which has already been evident in the last forty years.  The contributions from the later years of his ministry included in this particular publication they testify to the continued sense of righteousness and integrity and prophetic discernment that Wilkerson continued to manifest.  Monetary confusion, economic breakdown, increasing strange happenings in the weather patterns of the world and the moral decline increasing to horrifying proportions are among the predictions found here and any honest reader will only confess that as it was written, so indeed it is coming to pass.  But what of those who are Christians, how are they to prepare themselves and to what and Who should they be looking?  I would recommend that everyone claiming to be a Christian and a follower of Jesus should read this, and those who read the original release forty years ago should take time to obtain this later edition and let their hearts be stirred to more perfect obedience to the Lord in these latter days.

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