The central thesis of this book is that two forces are at work in every life: blessings and curses.  Obviously, one of these is beneficial and the other quite the opposite.  The author is systematic and biblical in his approach to the whole subject.  He exhaustively moves through the scriptures on the subject, especially of curses and their effects, but does he go too far?  He points unerringly to the cross work of Christ as that place where the curse was broken in that Christ was made a curse for us.  This being so, then Christ carried the curses in THE CURSE.  However, Derek Prince argues that this work of Christ must be resolutely applied by the Spirit into each life,and each believing heart must receive for themselves, and sometimes in particular ways when understanding is given that a curse has clung on and its power is yet operative in the life.  So much in this book is very good, alerting us as it does to the power of the spoken word both negative and positive.  It exposes the subtle operations of witchcraft in its various milder as well as overt forms and its intent as the tool of the devil to manipulate, intimidate and dominate lives. A section also helpfully deals with the power of  mild forms of witchcraft which can operate in the churches.  There are a good number of stories related in the book used to corroborate the fact that problems in some can be the result of generational curses which effect the succeeding generations.  It is possible to read this book in a one sided way. Almost two thirds of the book is dealing with the origin of curses, their various kinds and effects.  However, the remainder of the book systematically emphasizes ‘the divine exchange’.  Perhaps it is not possible to write a book of this nature without the problem being spelt out explicitly first before the antidote is expounded. Overall the book opens the eyes to some of satan’s devices.  It also challenges us as to the power of the tongue and its effects for good or ill.  Finally, it does set forth the Lord Jesus and His work as the liberating answer to mans need.   

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