Trinity and Election in Contemporary Theology


Publisher WM B. EERDMANS

ISBN 0-8020-6494-9

This book comprises a series of essays by professors of theology in which they debate the doctrine as to whether the Trinity is complete in Itself from all eternity or is it constituted by the eternal decision of election.  These matters were first raised by the prominent Swiss theologian of the twentieth century Karl Barth and so, here we have aspects of this subject matter examined by scholars.  It is not a read for the fainthearted and is far from devotional but it will make the reader think seriously about the Trinity and about election.  Throughout the cut and thrust of these essays the Being of God and glory of God as the One Who is loving and free both in Himself and for us is to the fore.  For many this will be ‘ivory tower’ stuff, appearing to have no relevance to the daily life and ministry of the church.  How does this have a bearing on our faith?  That it does so is helpfully brought out, but only in the last chapter contributed in which, strange to say, the popular prosperity doctrine as presented by Joel Osteen is put under the searchlight to see whether it is true to the Trinitarian Life of God.  Serious and prayerful pondering on the Trinity, Who in the Their Being is the fountain head of all creation and Who, in Christ became man, the image of God, will surely lead to the social, moral and ethical life of the church truly becoming relational and not individualistic.  Probably this particular book is too specialized for much to be gained even for pastors and leaders, however, the way it brings to the fore the matter of God’s eternal choice in Jesus Christ as His elect one and we in Him will cause some to look at election in a different way.

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