The Living Reminder


Publisher HARPER

ISBN 0-86683-915-1

Subtitled “Service and Prayer in Memory of Jesus Christ,” this book is a little gem.  Concise and to the point it comprises less than a hundred pages filled with wise instruction and counsel as to what constitutes true Christian ministry and service.  As some will know, Nouwen was a popular spiritual writer in the later years of the twentieth century and comes from a Roman Catholic background.  This particular book is still available new and is the development of three lectures he gave at two conferences convened for pastoral education.  Do not let the notion of ‘lectures’ be off putting though because the book is thoroughly readable.  Nouwen’s writings have an attraction rooted in the way he develops all his thinking from a deep and spiritual relationship with God in Jesus Christ.  This book enforces that in the way it shows that ‘being’ is more important than ‘doing’ and all true doing comes out of being and this is of fundamental importance to those engaged in Christian ministry.  That the minister is called to be a living reminder of Jesus Christ is the basis of the thought presented here.  Christians are to be the presence of Jesus unto healing of the past, the poise and balance of living in the present and prophetic of the future to the sick and the wounded around about them.  The separation of the spiritual life from Christian service is epidemic, the results are to be seen in the proliferation of techniques and methodologies, ‘how to’ books and seminars occupy the attention of ministers, pastors and church members far too much.  Nouwen brings us back to the bedrock, to Jesus, to relationship with Him and the titles of his three lectures and their separate sections say it all, the Minister as a healing reminder (of Jesus Christ), the wounds, the healing and the Healer, the minister as a sustaining reminder, the sustenance, the sustaining and the Sustainer, the minister as a Guiding Reminder, the guidance, the guiding and the Guide.  It is the life of Jesus Christ in us that counts, if we are not in vibrant fellowship with Him, what we do in our service will be bereft of the Life-giving One.  It is Christ Who is the true Minister and his ministers are to be those who are living reminders of Him and of His kingdom.  I would suggest that all those in Christian ministry and leadership should read this book, not once, but several times with time for plenty of reflection in between each reading.

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