Gospel in Life

ISBN 0-310-32891-9

This is a valuable study guide produced by the well-known Redeemer Presbyterian
Church (Manhattan) pastor Timothy Keller. It is subtitled “Grace Changes
Everything” and this goes some way to indicating the thrust of the eight studies it
contains. It moves towards an understanding and application of the Gospel of the
Lord Jesus into every department of practical living. In ways I am always sorry when
such study guides along with their attendant DVD introductions to each lesson come
on the scene. Perhaps it indicates the paucity of good, solid, systematic, practical and
consecutive Biblical exposition in the churches. Nevertheless we are to be thankful
for the diligent preparation that has gone into this product. In the absence of well-
taught Biblical ministry, these books come into their true usefulness. Each of these
studies has a separate section for the group leader, and then there is the study itself
followed by suggestions for questions for discussion on the aspect covered. Each
session can be introduced by a short film presentation on the topic by Timothy Keller.
The first is a on the gospel itself and the ones following open out to a serious look
at how to live out that gospel in all of life, first in the heart, then in our community
and finally into all the world.

The book encourages that each group study should be
prepared for by not only by the leader but also by each participant and eight home
studies are provided so that when the group convenes each person is somewhat
ready for the experience of sharing together in the subject matter of the particular
aspect being concentrated on. There is so much good material here that it would be
impossible not to be enlarged by following through each section diligently. Things
begin with life in the city as we now know it and ends with a final study on the theme
of the eternal city. Does the gospel have power to change us, firstly in our heart,
then the life of our community and then how we live in the world? These studies
provide a clear answer to that question. Each study has a short introduction followed
by a DVD segment that is ten minutes long.

The Bible study itself should take about thirty minutes with the discussion times lasting about twenty-five followed by a five-
minute introduction to the next study to conclude the session. All in all this is a great resource for small groups.

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