Christ’s Heart Betrayed

ISBN 1-60791-419-8

The chosen name of the author will suggest that this book is likely to be somewhat
individualistic. Not “one of the disciples” but “a” in the sense of the singular.
Something of the state of Elijah comes to mind, “I only I am left” (I Kings 19:14).
This author has some good things to say; of this there can be no doubt. That they are
expressed, often quite graciously is also true but the whole is marred by an underlying
attitude that the church has in the main, misrepresented Christ through two thousand
years and missed its calling, is divided and almost lies in ruins and now, at last in this
generation, God is raising up the “Elijah” ministry to usher in the true “Elisha”
ministry and get the job done and the author represents one of those with a special
ministry to bring this to pass. This notion is not new; it has been around, especially in
certain Pentecostal and charismatic ‘lone ranger’ ministries for the last hundred years
or so. Alas, it is essentially shot through with a kind of spiritual arrogance that defiles
what are obviously sincerely expressed exhortations that the church should seek to be
filled with the heart of Christ. In parts we want to say a hearty “amen” but this book
could be so much better were the author to be thoroughly part of ‘a’ church and
thereby of ‘the’ church of Jesus Christ in its visible expression. The disciplines of
being a submissive member of the Body of Christ will mature us into attitudes of
implicit respect and honor for our spiritual forebears and help locate us in the great
scheme of things our God is accomplishing through history. God wants to make us
into a polished shaft in every way, one matured in understanding of Him and His
ways. Perhaps it is then that we should write. There is enthusiasm for God and His
truth present in this book and it is well written in places (although the font used is
difficult and irritating to read) with a smattering of very good story telling including
some imaginative allegorical ways of bringing home aspects of that which the author
desires to say. He is a retired captain who served in the Fire Department in Alabama
who desired to be a professional musician and has produced a CD of his own
Christian songs. It is clear that he longs to be useful to the Lord and is endeavoring to
be available to Him. He shares his testimony to the grace of the Lord Jesus in His life
over a period of many years in which he passed through many personal struggles as
he sought freedom from addictions and sin. God has been gracious to him and he
rejoices in that and we also rejoice as we trace His goodness to us and to this writer.
Apparently he intends to write more but I suspect he would be well served by keeping
the loaves longer in the oven until they are properly cooked. Then shall his readers
be blessed indeed.

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