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Holy Spirit

42 posts

MORNING MUSING November 2, 2009

We could say that there are three comings of Jesus.  He took flesh, became like us that we might become like Him.  In a way He has always been in the world, for without Him nothing was made that is made and nothing sustained in its existence except for His continuance as the Living Word.  Two thousand years ago He came into this world to reveal His Father, to finish His Father’s works and although He could have gone back to His Father without going to the cross all the works would not have been completed for they had to include the cross. 



MORNING MUSING July 10, 2009

I glanced at a concordance today; my purpose was to see where the word ‘soul’ was most frequent employed in the books of the Bible.  I was not surprised to find that it was in the Psalms it occurs most, almost one hundred and twenty times in fact.  Another thing I noticed was that two thirds of the occasions it is used are preceded by the word ‘my’.  Most the other references have ‘our soul’ or an expression suggesting something similar.  It is to be expected that this book of poems should have so much self-expression in it. 





ISBN 0-9647292-3-0

MORNING MUSING January 6, 2009

A favorite proverb (without doubt, a true one) is ‘where there is no vision, things fall apart’.  It is to be found in the book of Proverbs chapter 29 and verse 18.  My favored version, the ESV renders it ‘where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint.’  Dreams and visions are promised wherever the Holy Spirit is poured out. (Acts 2v17&18)  The prophetic vocation central to the life and testimony of the church on earth is impossible without God given vision being received and acted upon.