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Author-James R.White


Publisher-Bethany House Publishers


James R.White is director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona.  He has a real ability to say important and complex things in readable ways.  This is true of all his books (including The King James Controversy, also worth reading.)  It is true that the doctrine of the Trinity is frequently forgotten in today’s churches, yet it is a doctrine fundamental to the Faith and a knowledge of this doctrine taught in the power of the Holy Spirit and received in the life is the most wonderful source of comfort and security to the soul.  This book is a brief, clear, biblical and practical explanation of the Trinity.  Perhaps it would be most helpful in the churches if a book like this could be used among others as the basis for a number of studies, these could be systematically delivered on this vital subject.  This book leads us to worship the “God in Three Persons…Blessed Trinity’.  The Trinity is not handled as an abstract notion.  None of the sections in the book are overly long.  There is a short record of the doctrine as revealed in the Old Testament, and into the New and then in the earlier years of church history ending with the formulation of the Athanasian Creed.  As the Being of God is examined and each of the Three Divine Persons are considered, we are stirred to worship and adore our God.  It is a book of only 191 pages and the more technical elements are reserved for endnotes, these can lead the reader to further and more detailed examination of the subject.  The length of the book does not permit an consideration of the various relationships which exist within the Persons of the Trinity nor is the work of each Person deeply considered but enough is said to whet the appetite of those who would desire to know their God the more perfectly.  Sufficient argument is also given should any need to refute the errors propagated by Jehovahs Witnesses and the Mormons, amongst others.  Overall, this book is a good introduction to the doctrine of the Trinity. 

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