Born in Canterbury England in 1837 and passing away seventy five years later E.W.Bullinger became known as one of the great Bible Scholars of the early twentieth century.  The fact that some of his writings were extremely dispensational and do not follow the main stream of biblical interpretation has tended to obscure the fact that other of his books are full of spiritual insight and of help.  This biography looks at the man behind the books that bear his name.  That he was an individualist cannot be doubted.  That he was a lover of God and lived by faith in the Son of God is also plainly to be seen.  That he was dedicated to the spread of the scriptures is evident from his long time involvement with the Trinitarian Bible Society.  That he loved and studied the scriptures is manifest in the many works that he authored.  That some of his interpretations are obscure show clearly that no man can be said to be perfect in his biblical understanding.  It is needful that his writings be sifted by anyone reading them.  We may not agree with all that he has written but he does stimulate us to further searching of the word of truth for ourselves.  He was committed to the fact that the Bible is the infallible word of God, to the virgin birth of Christ and many of the basic doctrines of evangelical truth.  However, in matters of dispensational truth he developed positions that could be described as ‘faddish’ and extreme.  His position was taken up by others such as Charles Welch and a movement existed committed to the careful examination of scripture which produced a multitude of further writings including the regular magazine called “The Berean Expositor’.   This biography can help do three things for the reader, firstly it can quicken a desire to read and examine the scriptures for ourselves.  Secondly it can encourage our hearts to see the grace of God working in the life of this man who was the Lord’s instrument.  Finally it brings a warning to us that there is danger in being individualistic, it can lead to obscure scholarship that robs many from the benefit of the wholesome ministry that is also present.

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