Rechurch: Healing Your Way Back To The People Of God

ISBN 978-1414333285

In his foreword to this short book (170 pages) George Barna informs us that his research shows that one in four are ‘fall outs’ (my term) from churches in North America. I would not at all be surprised. As soon as you read that this is published by Barna you must realize that it deals primarily with church conditions in the USA and Stephen Mansfield, the author, who although he was a pastor for a period, after his own unfortunate exit from his ministry, he developed into a popular author, mainly writing about the faith of political dignitaries such as George Bush and Winston Churchill.

He is known as an ‘inspirational speaker’ and that describes his style of writing also for, although he does exposit certain scriptures the main thrust is exhortative as he endeavors to inspire the reader to proper action. Although this book is supposed to be concentrating on getting over church hurts and making your way back into meaningful relationship with God’s people after suffering bad experiences, the principles Mansfield draws out as he proceeds are pertinent to the Christian Life in general. He is helpful in the very sensible points he makes but I doubt that those who really need to read this book are likely to pick it up and those who do not come from the American scene will probably find its style a bit tedious with overmuch about the personal experience of the author himself and a tendency toward a certain superficiality as he treats difficult and delicate subject matter. Having said this he does not let anyone get away with excusing themselves from coming face to face with their need to forgive, to remember and to re engage with God’s church. There is plenty of good counsel in these pages and we ignore it at our peril.

Cynicism and bitterness are unfortunately not as uncommon as they ought to be, people carrying ungodly attitudes towards church and who feel they are justified in doing so are everywhere. Perhaps, if this book fails in any particular it is in not giving sufficient space to the unscriptural and unspiritual structures and methodologies so often employed in the churches of today in North America. These things are frequently a major contributing factor to the hurts and abuses and the breakdowns of confidence that are epidemic.

Those ready to take the godly, though sometimes difficult path of healing with the humility and forgiveness implicit in every step of that path will be helped by this book as it helps them focus on things that really matter.

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