Author- Geoffrey C.Bingham

Publisher- New Creation Publications Inc.

PO Box 403. Blackwood South Australia.5051

ISBN- 0-86408-061-1


Two basic principles are the foundations of this short book, first, that of the innate power of the Gospel to effect genuine conversion and secondly, the power of the Gospel and the Spirit to bring churches to birth and cause them to grow and mature without the anxious oversight of those who brought the message in the first place.  These two things are known as ‘the indigenous principle and is thoroughly Biblical. The book begins with a chapter which speaks of God always being on mission.  This sets all ‘evangelism’ in its proper context, that of it being the action of God.  HE is on mission in and through His Son  which means that only as His church is in His Son in truth are they participating with Him in His mission.  Then follows a chapter on the Nature of the Gospel, which  was formed by the life, ministry, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ all of which were in accordance with the prophecies which God had spoken aforetime concerning Him.  Three chapters outlining the matter of the church going with the gospel, the motivation and power by which the churches go forth and the fact that the main business of the church is with giving Testimony, that of the Lord Jesus.  The place of the Holy Spirit and His Lordship in every aspect is also dealt with.  Two chapters now handle the relationship of the gospel with unity and disunity.  The effects of the gospel will reverse the power of that word which brought disunity to mankind and the creation in general.  The way we must go forth with the gifts, weapons, power and love which the Lord Himself carries us forward to a final chapter which climaxes in the statement ‘God has always been on mission, is on mission and will be on mission.  It is best for us to fall into rank beside our true General, and ever be about proclaiming Christ’s gospel in today’s world.”  There are about one hundred pages in this book but it encapsulates the thrilling wonder of what God is about in history and the privilege that we have in being called to share in His life and mission.

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