The Fullness of Christ

Winslow was a nineteenth century man.  He was born in the UK, raised in New York where he held his first pastoral responsibility and then moved to UK where he continued ministry for the rest of his life in Brighton, Bath and Leamington Spa.  He died in UK in 1878 at the age of seventy.  This particular book is pretty typical of his wonderful devotional and gracious style of writing.  It’s subtitle is “Unfolded in the History of Joseph.”  What a gem of a book it is!   Worth reading and re-reading.  
Many books have been written on Joseph as a type and picture of Christ but I have not come across one emphasizing his life from the time of the famine when first his brothers and then in the end the whole family came to Egypt.  There is such a wealth of rich truth focusing us upon the Lord Jesus, His Person and work typified here and Winslow leads us through with winsomeness and power.  You might notice the name of the publishers and this will give the clue to the theological leaning of this author.  How good to be solidly grounded in the fact that God is sovereign and in full control of history and to have that reality brought out in a way that is what we could call a ‘warm’ way; there is no cold view of God’s control of all things here.  We are edified at the realization of His workings in all things, even things most difficult and appalling and led to worship Him the more.  This book is thoroughly Christ-centered and thus every line of doctrine brought out throbs with the goodness and goodwill of the Lord.  Originally the substance of this book was a series of extemporary preaching the author gave and to a degree that style has been retained and make it all the more readable.  
We all need to read books like this, devotional writings, leading us to see Jesus more clearly and so we shall love and magnify Him the more.

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